Combat damp with security screens and doors

Combat damp with security screens and doors

A damp home is an unhealthy home. That’s what happens when you close up your house to keep out intruders, be they human or insect. Sure, you’ll keep them out. But you’ll also keep out the fresh air you need to create a well-ventilated home. Without that air flow,...
How to maintain your security screens and doors

How to maintain your security screens and doors

We make you feel more secure with Australia’s strongest security screens and doors. We want you to feel that way for a long time. Thanks to a little maintenance, you will. Doors and windows Loose deposits should be carefully removed with a wet sponge. A non-abrasive...
Secure your home the stylish way

Secure your home the stylish way

Some people go to extreme lengths to secure their home. In the process, they create a modern-day fortress that’s functional but hardly attractive. While no one can deny the importance of creating a secure property, it’s a shame when the balance between aesthetics and...